Font Part

Content Type:


Root Namespace:

not applicable

Source Relationship:

An instance of this part type contains a given font embedded directly into the document. (This is useful when using custom fonts or fonts that are not widely distributed.)

Fonts stored in a Font part can be stored in one of two formats, identified by the associated content type:

  • application/x-fontdata specifies that the font shall be stored as a bitmapped font (each glyph is stored as a raster image)

  • application/x-font-ttf specifies that the font shall be stored in the TrueType or OpenType format

A package shall contain zero or more Font parts, and for each that exists, that part shall be the target of an explicit relationship in the Font Table (§11.3.5), or Presentation (§13.3.6) part.

A Font part shall be located within the package containing the source relationship (expressed syntactically, the @TargetMode attribute of the <Relationship> element shall be Internal).

A Font part shall not have implicit or explicit relationships to other parts defined by this Standard.