
Source Relationship:

A frameset is a WordprocessingML document which specifies the location and placement of other WordprocessingML documents (which, when used in this context, are referred to as frames). A frameset shall be represented by an instance of a WordprocessingML document with a Web Settings part (§11.3.13) whose relationship item targets each of that frameset's frames.

<Relationships xmlns="…">
  <Relationship Id="rId1"
    Type="http://…/frame" Target="frame1.docx" TargetMode="External"/>
  <Relationship Id="rId2"
    Type="http://…/frame" Target="frame2.docx" TargetMode="External"/>

The frameset document’s Web Settings part contains a <frameset >element that references its frames:

<w:webSettings …>
      <w:sz w:val="216" /> 
      <w:name w:val="Frame2" /> 
      <w:sourceFileName r:id="rId1" /> 
      <w:name w:val="Frame1" /> 
      <w:sourceFileName r:id="rId2" /> 

A frame shall be represented by an instance of a WordprocessingML package.

A frame shall be located external to the package containing the source relationship (expressed syntactically, the @TargetMode attribute of the <Relationship> element shall be External).