Metadata Part

Content Type:


Root Namespace:

Source Relationship:

An instance of this part type contains information relating to a cell whose value is related to one or more other cells via OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP) technology.

A package shall contain no more than one Cell Metadata part, and that part shall be the target of an implicit relationship from the Workbook part (§12.3.23).

<Relationships xmlns="…">
  <Relationship Id="rId10" 
    Type="http://…/sheetMetadata" Target="metadata.xml"/>

The root element for a part of this content type shall be< metadata>.

<metadata …>
  <metadataTypes count="1">
    <metadataType name="XLMDX" minSupportedVersion="120000" copy="1"
      pasteAll="1" pasteValues="1" merge="1" splitFirst="1" rowColShift="1" 
      clearFormats="1" clearComments="1" assign="1" coerce="1"/>
  <metadataStrings count="2">
    <s v="externalData"/>
    <s v="[Account].[All Account]"/>
  <mdxMetadata count="1">
    <m n="0" f="m">
      <t c="1">
        <n v="1"/>
  <valueMetadata count="1">
      <r t="1" v="0"/>

The corresponding Connections part contains the following:

<connections …>
  <connection id="1" odcFile="…" keepAlive="1" name="externalData"
    description="…" type="5" refreshedVersion="3" background="1">
    <dbPr connection="Provider=MSOLAP.2;…" command="Budget" commandType="1"/>
    <olapPr sendLocale="1" rowDrillCount="1000" serverFill="1" 
      serverNumberFormat="1" serverFont="1" serverFontColor="1"/>

The corresponding Volatile Dependencies part contains the following:

<volTypes …">
  <volType type="cubeFunctions">
    <main first="externalData">
      <tp t="e">
        <r r="B3" s="1"/>

The corresponding Pivot Table Cache Definition part contains the following:

<pivotCacheDefinition  saveData="0" refreshedBy="…"
  refreshedDate="2005-11-28T16:55:44" backgroundQuery="1" createdVersion="3"
  refreshedVersion="3" recordCount="0">
  <cacheSource type="external" connectionID="1"/>
  <cacheFields count="0"/>
  <cacheHierarchies count="6"></cacheHierarchies>
  <kpis count="0"/>
    <queryCache count="3">
      <query mdx="[product].[category]"/>
      <query mdx=""/>
      <query mdx="[Account].[All Account]">
        <tpls c="1">
          <tpl hier="0" item="4294967295"/>

A Metadata part shall be located within the package containing the source relationship (expressed syntactically, the @TargetMode attribute of the <Relationship> element shall be Internal).

A Metadata part shall not have implicit or explicit relationships to any part defined by this Standard.