Pivot Table Part

Content Type:


Root Namespace:


Source Relationship:


An instance of this part type contains a pivot table definition.

A package shall contain exactly one Pivot Table part per pivot table, and each such part shall be the target of an implicit relationship in the relationship part for the Worksheet part (§12.3.24) that corresponds to the worksheet containing the pivot table.

<Relationships xmlns="…">
  <Relationship Id="rId1" 
    Type="http://…/pivotTable" Target="../pivotTables/pivotTable1.xml"/>
  <Relationship Id="rId2" 
    Type="http://…/pivotTable" Target="../pivotTables/pivotTable2.xml"/>

The root element for a part of this content type shall be< pivotTableDefinition>.

<pivotTableDefinition  cache="4" applyNumberFormats="0" applyBorderFormats="0"
  applyFontFormats="0" applyPatternFormats="0" applyAlignmentFormats="0"
  applyWidthHeightFormats="1" dataCaption="Data" updatedVersion="3" 
  minRefreshableVersion="3" useAutoFormatting="1" itemPrintTitles="1"
  createdVersion="3" indent="0" outline="1" outlineData="1">
  <location ref="H4:H5" firstHeaderRow="1" firstDataRow="1" firstDataCol="0"/>
  <pivotFields count="1">
    <pivotField dataField="1" numFmtId="0" outline="1"
      subtotalTop="1" showAll="0" measureFilter="0" sortType="manual"/>
  <rowItems count="1">
    <i t="data"/>
  <colItems count="1">
    <i t="data"/>
  <dataFields count="1">
    <dataField name="Sum of 1000" fld="0" subtotal="average" 
      baseField="0" baseItem="0" numFmtId="0"/>
  <tableStyle name="TableStyle2" showRowHeaders="1" showColHeaders="1"
    showRowStripes="1" showColStripes="1"/>

A Pivot Table part shall be located within the package containing the source relationship (expressed syntactically, the @TargetMode attribute of the <Relationship> element shall be Internal).

A Pivot Table part is permitted to have implicit relationships to the following parts defined by this Standard:

  • Pivot Table Cache Definition (§12.3.12).

A Pivot Table part shall not have any implicit or explicit relationships to other parts defined by this Standard.