Schema Restrictions for Core Properties

The following restrictions apply to every XML document instance that contains Open Packaging Conventions core properties:

  1. Producers shall not create a document element that contains refinements to the Dublin Core elements, except for the two specified in the schema: <dcterms:created> and <dcterms:modified> Consumers shall consider a document element that violates this constraint to be an error. [M4.3]

  2. Producers shall not create a document element that contains the @xml:lang attribute. Consumers shall consider a document element that violates this constraint to be an error. [M4.4] For Dublin Core elements, this restriction is enforced by applications.

  3. Producers shall not create a document element that contains the @xsi:type attribute, except for a <dcterms:created> or <dcterms:modified> element where the @xsi:type attribute shall be present and shall hold the value dcterms:W3CDTF, where dcterms is the namespace prefix of the Dublin Core namespace. Consumers shall consider a document element that violates this constraint to be an error. [M4.5]