Animation Behaviors

All animation consists of the following basic animation behaviors:






The animate behavior introduces a generic attribute animation that requires no semantic understanding of the attribute being animated. It can animate numbers.


Animate Color

This behavior animates the color of a particular element.


Animate Effect

This behavior provides the ability to do image transform/filter effects on elements.


Animate Motion

Animate motion provides an abstracted way to move positioned elements. It provides the ability to specify from/to/by type motion as well as to use more detailed path descriptions for motion over polylines or bezier curves.


Animate Rotation

This behavior allows rotation of an element.


Animate Scale

Allows animation of the width and/or height of an element over time.

A time node can combine multiple animations for a range of effects. For example, the "flash bulb" animation which scales a shape larger while at the same time having it fade uses two animation behavior elements. An example is shown below:

The representation for this animation effect in the time node element appears like:

  <p:cTn id="5">
      <p:animEffect transition="out" filter="fade"><p:animScale>
          <p:cTn id="7" dur="500" autoRev="1" fill="hold"/>
            <p:spTgt spid="9"/>
        <p:by x="105000" y="105000"/>

In this time node, we have two animation effects. One is creating a "fade" effect on the shape using the <animEffect> element and the other is creating a "scale" effect using the <animScale >element. All animation behaviors have a <cBhvr> and <cTn> element, which stores properties for the animation. For example, we can give the animation behaviors an ID and attributes that set the duration of the animation. The <spTgt> specifies the target shape to which this animation effect will be applied.