Manipulating the Text

Let's look at the ways in which the text can be further enhanced at the text body level. Note that the properties that follow apply only to the text body as a whole and thus cannot be applied to a specific paragraph or run within the text body. Theses properties are as follows:

  • Text Warping: Text within the text area is made to distort itself according to a predefined shape. This shape resides within the bounding box described earlier. This effect is known as text warping and has its preset shapes defined further within dml-shapeGeometry.xsd

  • 3D Text: Text can be described with respect to a 3D scene. Using this tag provides three basic options:

    • The text resides within a 3D scene, but as planar text.

    • The text is allowed to reside within the 3D scene and has 3D effects (such as bevel or extrusion) applied to it.

    • The text resides on top of a 3D scene. The 3D scene properties are defined dml-shape3DStyles.xsd and dml-shape3DScene.xsd schemas.

  • Rotated and Upright Text: A particular rotation can be specified that is applied to the text within the text area. Note that this is different from the rotation that is applied to the shape within which the text area resides. If this attribute is not specifically set then the rotation of the container shape is used.