Run- and Character-Level Properties

Schemas represented here: dml-textRun.xsd, dml-textCharacter.xsd

In this subclause, we'll explore the most granular text properties available in this XML framework, namely those described at the text run and character level. This level is usually the level in which text is broken up into differently formatted parts, because the most commonly used text properties almost all reside at this level. This allows for some very detailed formatting to be represented. Again, it should be noted that for consistency that some of these run and character level properties are applied as attributes to the run property tag while others are expressed as child elements. The specific method by which each property is applied can be found in the schemas listed above.

  <a:bodyPr />
  <a:lstStyle />
    <a:pPr />
      <a:rPr />     Main element covered in this subclause
      <a:t>Your text here!</a:t>