Slide Master

A slide master is a master that is tied specifically to presentation slides. The presentation slides are those that are shown during a presentation. These will be discussed in more detail in a later section on the Presentation Slide. Within a slide master are some common structural elements that should be understood, namely:

  • Common Data - Common properties that will be inherited by the other slides as well as layout information for presentation slides based on the master slide.

  • Header and Footer - Header and footer properties for the presentation slides to inherit.

  • Color Map - Color Mapping for the presentation slides to inherit.

  • Text Styles - Text Styling information to be used within each placeholder on a presentation slide.

  • Slide Layout List - A list of slide layouts that provide the variety needed within any presentation. These are applied to a presentation slide which will inherit both the layout of the slide layout in addition to the slide design of the slide master.

  • Timing Information - Common timing properties used for animation, controls, etc.

  • Transition Information - Slide transitioning information to be inherited by each presentation slide.

Slides inheriting information from a slide master do have the ability to specify properties that override those specified in the slide master.