
COMPARE Expression-1 Operator Expression-2



Description: Compares the values designated by Expression-1 and Expression-2 using the operator designated by Operator.
Note: : This field can be used to create compound logical comparisons with AND and OR functions in a formula, and then by using the result of the formula in an IF field.

Operator can be any one of the six relational and equality operators specified for operator (§

If Operator is = or <>, Expression-2 can contain a question mark (?) to represent any single character, or an asterisk (*) to represent any string of characters. The expression shall be enclosed in quotation marks so that it is compared as a character string. If an asterisk is used in Expression-2, the portion of Expression-1 that corresponds to the asterisk, plus any remaining characters in Expression-2, shall NOT exceed 128 characters.

Field Value: 1 if the comparison is true, or 0 if the comparison is false.

Switches: None.


{ IF { = OR ( { COMPARE { MERGEFIELD CustomerNumber } >= 4 }, { COMPARE { MERGEFIELD CustomerRating } <= 9 } ) } = 1 "Credit not acceptable" "Credit acceptable"}

The following COMPARE field results in the value 1 if any value in the PostalCode data field is the range 98500–98599:

{ COMPARE "{ MERGEFIELD PostalCode }" = "985*" }