<ST_BrType> (Break Types)

This simple type specifies the possible types of break characters in a WordprocessingML document. The break type determines the next location where text shall be placed after this manual break is applied to the text contents (see enumeration values for details).

<w:br w:type=”column”/>

The @type attribute specifies a value of column, which means that the break shall force the next character in the document to be restarted on the next line in a new text column in the document. ]

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema string datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


<column> (Column Break)

Specifies that the current break shall restart itself on the next column available on the current page when the document is displayed in page view.

If the current section is not divided into columns, or the column break occurs in the last column on the current page when displayed, then the restart location for text shall be the next page in the document.

<page> (Page Break)

Specifies that the current break shall restart itself on the next page of the document when the document is displayed in page view.

Page breaks shall be ignored when present in frames unless the <showBreaksInFrames> element (§ is present in the document's compatibility settings.

<textWrapping> (Line Break)

Specifies that the current break shall restart itself on the next line in the document when the document is displayed in page view.

The determine of the next line shall be done subject to the value of the @clear attribute on the specified break character.

Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_BrType">
	<restriction base="xsd:string">
	<enumeration value="page"/>
	<enumeration value="column"/>
	<enumeration value="textWrapping"/>