<ST_RubyAlign> (Phonetic Guide Text Alignment)

This simple type specifies the possible alignment settings which may be used to determine the placement of phonetic guide text with respect to the base text when this phonetic guide is displayed.

<w:rubyPr><w:rubyAlign w:val="left"/></w:rubyPr>

The <rubyAlign> property is left for the phonetic guide, so the ruby text will be displayed on the left side of the base text. ]

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema string datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


<center> (Center)

Specifies that the phonetic guide text shall be centered with respect to the base text in this document.

guide textthis is a test center

<distributeLetter> (Distribute All Characters)

Specifies that the phonetic guide text shall be distributed with respect to the base text in this document.

This type of justification shall equally affect the inter-word spacing on each line as well as the inter-character spacing between each word when justifying its contents - that is, an equal amount of additional character pitch shall be added to all characters on the line.

guide texta test distribute letter

<distributeSpace> (Distribute all Characters w/ Additional Space On Either Side)

Specifies that the phonetic guide text shall be distributed with respect to the base text in this document, with additional space added to the guide text to ensure it is indented with respect to the base text.

This type of justification shall equally affect the inter-word spacing on each line as well as the inter-character spacing between each word when justifying its contents - that is, an equal amount of additional character pitch shall be added to all characters on the line. As well, an additional space is added before and after the guide text to ensure it is indented with respect to the base text.

guide texta test distribute space

<left> (Left Aligned)

Specifies that the phonetic guide text shall be left aligned with respect to the base text in this document.

guide textthis is a test left

<right> (Right Aligned)

Specifies that the phonetic guide text shall be right aligned with respect to the base text in this document.

guide textthis is a test right

<rightVertical> (Vertically Aligned to Right of Base Text)

Specifies that the phonetic guide text shall be right aligned with respect to the base text in this document, and shall always be displayed vertically and to the right of the base text, regardless of the alignment of the base text.

guide textthis is a test right vertical

Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_RubyAlign">
	<restriction base="xsd:string">
	<enumeration value="center"/>
	<enumeration value="distributeLetter"/>
	<enumeration value="distributeSpace"/>
	<enumeration value="left"/>
	<enumeration value="right"/>
	<enumeration value="rightVertical"/>