<ST_TextFontSize> (Text Font Size)

This type specifies the size of any text in hundredths of a point. Must be at least 1 point.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema int datatype.

This simple type also specifies the following restrictions:

  • This simple type has a minimum value of greater than or equal to 100.

  • This simple type has a maximum value of less than or equal to 400000.

Referenced By

<buSzPts@val>; <defRPr@sz>; <endParaRPr@sz>; <rPr@sz>

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_TextFontSize">
	<restriction base="xsd:int">
	<minInclusive value="100"/>
	<maxInclusive value="400000"/>