<ST_Wrap> (Text Wrapping around Text Frame Type)

This simple type specifies the type of text wrapping which shall be allowed around a text frame within a document.

    <w:framePr w:w="2419" w:h="2189" w:hRule="atLeast" w:hSpace="187" w:wrap="around" w:vAnchor="text" w:hAnchor="page" w:x="1643" w:y="73" />
    <w:t>Text Frame Content.</w:t>

This @wrap attribute on this text frame specifies that when the frame is rendered on the page, any non-text frame paragraphs which would normally flow onto the same lines shall be allowed to wrap around it. ]

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema string datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


<around> (Allow Text Wrapping Around Frame)

Specifies that text shall be allowed to wrap around the remaining space on each line around this text frame in the document.

<auto> (Default Text Wrapping Around Frame)

Specifies that text shall have the default application-defined behavior of the application displaying the WordprocessingML document with regard to the text wrapping displayed around the frame.

<none> (No Text Wrapping Around Frame)

Specifies that text shall not be allowed to wrap around the remaining space on each lines around this text frame.

Any text content shall therefore be placed on the next line following this text frame which does not intersect with the frame’s extents.

<notBeside> (No Text Wrapping Beside Frame)

Specifies that text shall not be allowed to wrap around the remaining space on each lines around this text frame.

Any text content shall therefore be placed on the next line following this text frame which does not intersect with the frame’s extents.

<through> (Through Text Wrapping Around Frame)

Specifies that text shall be allowed to wrap around the remaining space on each line around this text frame in the document.

<tight> (Tight Text Wrapping Around Frame)

Specifies that text shall be allowed to tightly wrap around the remaining space on each line around this text frame in the document.

Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_Wrap">
	<restriction base="xsd:string">
	<enumeration value="auto"/>
	<enumeration value="notBeside"/>
	<enumeration value="around"/>
	<enumeration value="tight"/>
	<enumeration value="through"/>
	<enumeration value="none"/>