<ST_YAlign> (Vertical Alignment Location)

This simple type specifies the set of possible relative vertical positions for the parent floating object. This relative position is specified relative to the vertical anchor specified by the parent object.

    <w:framePr w:w="2419" w:h="2189" w:hRule="atLeast" w:hSpace="187" w:wrap="around" w:vAnchor="margin" w:hAnchor="page" w:x="1643" w:y="73" w:yAlign="center" />
    <w:t>Text Frame Content.</w:t>

This text frame specifies by the presence of the @yAlign attribute to vertically align the frame in the center of the anchor object, in this case, the margin. ]

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema string datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


<bottom> (Bottom)

Specifies that the parent object shall be vertically aligned to the bottom edge of the anchor object .

<center> (Centered Vertically)

Specifies that the parent object shall be vertically centered with respect to the anchor object.

<inline> (In line With Text)

Specifies that the parent object shall be vertically aligned in line with the surrounding text (i.e. shall not allow any text wrapping around it when positioned in the document.

<inside> (Inside Anchor Extents)

Specifies that the parent object shall be vertically aligned to the edge of the anchor object, and positioned inside that object.

<outside> (Outside Anchor Extents)

Specifies that the parent object shall be vertically aligned to the edge of the anchor object, and positioned outside that object.

<top> (Top)

Specifies that the parent object shall be vertically aligned to the top edge of the anchor object .

Referenced By

<framePr@yAlign>; <tblpPr@tblpYSpec>2.4.54)

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_YAlign">
	<restriction base="xsd:string">
	<enumeration value="inline"/>
	<enumeration value="top"/>
	<enumeration value="center"/>
	<enumeration value="bottom"/>
	<enumeration value="inside"/>
	<enumeration value="outside"/>