<date> (Date Structured Document Tag)

This element specifies that the parent structured document tag shall be a date picker when displayed in the document.

This setting specifies that the behavior for this structured document tag shall be as follows:

  • The child elements of this element specify how the dates in this structured document tag shall be stored in any mapped custom XML data and displayed in the document

  • Formatting applied to any part of this structured document tag's contents shall apply to its entire contents

As well, the structured document tag must satisfy the following restraints or the document shall be considered invalid:

  • The contents shall only be contain a single run (one set of formatting properties)

  • The contents shall not contain more than a single paragraph or table cell and shall not contain a table row or table cell


The <date> element in this structured document tag's properties specifies that the type of structured document tag is a date picker. ]

Parent Elements


Child Elements


<calendar> (Date Picker Calendar Type)


<dateFormat> (Date Display Mask)


<lid> (Date Picker Language ID)


<storeMappedDataAs> (Custom XML Data Date Storage Format)




<fullDate> (Last Known Date in XML Schema DateTime Format)

Specifies the full date and time last entered into the parent structured document tag using the standard XML Schema DateTime syntax.


If this attribute is specified, then the current @fullDate attribute shall be used to populate the run content of the parent structured document tag by filtering it through the date display mask specified in the <dateFormat> element, if one is present.

If this attribute is omitted, then the current display text shall be maintained when the document is displayed.

<w:sdtPr><w:date w:fullDate="01-01-2006T05:30:00Z"></w:date>

The full XML Schema DateTime format for the current structured document tag is specified via the @fullDate attribute value as 01-01-2006T05:30:00Z. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_DateTime simple type (§2.18.15).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_SdtDate">
	<element name="dateFormat" type="CT_String" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="lid" type="CT_Lang" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="storeMappedDataAs" type="CT_SdtDateMappingType" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="calendar" type="CT_CalendarType" minOccurs="0"/>
	<attribute name="fullDate" type="ST_DateTime" use="optional"/>