<font> (Embedded Font Name)

This element specifies specific properties describing an embedded font. Once specified, this font is available for use within the presentation. Within a font specification there can be <regular>, <bold>, <italic> and <boldItalic> versions of the font specified. The actual font data for each of these is referenced using a relationships file that contains links to all available fonts. This font data contains font information for each of the characters to be made available in each version of the font.

  <p:font typeface="MyFont" pitchFamily="34" charset="0"/>
  <p:regular r:id="rId2"/>

Parent Elements




<charset> (Similar Character Set)

Namespace: .../drawingml/2006/main

Specifies the most similar character set to the one being used. This is useful if the generating application cannot use the current font and must choose a similar one.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema byte datatype.

<panose> (Panose Setting)

Namespace: .../drawingml/2006/main

Specifies the panose standard setting that will be used to determine the closest matching font by any generating application that employs this method.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Panose simple type (§

<pitchFamily> (Similar Font Family)

Namespace: .../drawingml/2006/main

Specifies the most similar font family to the one being used. This is useful if the generating application cannot use the current font and must choose a similar one.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema byte datatype.

<typeface> (Text Typeface)

Namespace: .../drawingml/2006/main

Specifies the typeface, or name of the font that is to be used for a bullet. The typeface used here should be selected from the font list of the generating application.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_TextTypeface simple type (§

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_TextFont">
	<attribute name="typeface" type="ST_TextTypeface"/>
	<attribute name="panose" type="ST_Panose" use="optional"/>
	<attribute name="pitchFamily" type="xsd:byte" use="optional" default="0"/>
	<attribute name="charset" type="xsd:byte" use="optional" default="1"/>