<numPr> (Numbering Definition Instance Reference)

This element specifies that the current paragraph references a numbering definition instance in the current document.

The presence of this element specifies that the paragraph will inherit the properties specified by the numbering definition in the <num> element (§2.9.16) at the level specified by the level specified in the <lvl> element (§2.9.7) and shall have an associated number positioned before the beginning of the text flow in this paragraph. When this element appears as part of the paragraph formatting for a paragraph style, then any numbering level defined using the <ilvl> element shall be ignored, and the <pStyle> element (§2.9.25) on the associated abstract numbering definition shall be used instead.

    <w:ilvl w:val="4" />
    <w:numId w:val="0" />

The <numPr> element specifies that this paragraph shall contain numbering information, and its children specify that the numbering definition for that numbering information shall have a @numId of 0 and an @ilvl of 4 within that numbering definition. ]

Parent Elements

<pPr>; <pPr>2.9.24); <pPr>; <pPr>; <pPr>; <pPr>

Child Elements


<ilvl> (Numbering Level Reference)


<ins> (Inserted Numbering Properties)


<numberingChange> (Previous Paragraph Numbering Properties)


<numId> (Numbering Definition Instance Reference)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_NumPr">
	<element name="ilvl" type="CT_DecimalNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="numId" type="CT_DecimalNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="numberingChange" type="CT_TrackChangeNumbering" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="ins" type="CT_TrackChange" minOccurs="0"/>