<rPr> (Run Properties)

This element specifies the set of run properties which comprise the default run properties for the current WordprocessingML document. [: The reason that an <rPr> element is present within the <rPrDefault> element is to allow for easy repurposing of any set of run properties within a WordprocessingML document - since the run properties are always child elements of a single <rPr> element, that element can simply be relocated in its entirety to the desired new location without additional modifications. ]

If this element is omitted, then the default run properties for the current document are non-existent (i.e. there are no default run properties, and the defaults are therefore application-defined).


The <rPr> element as a child of the <rPrDefault> element contains the set of default run properties for this document - in this case, bold text. ]

Parent Elements


Child Elements


<b> (Bold)


<bCs> (Complex Script Bold)


<bdr> (Text Border)


<caps> (Display All Characters As Capital Letters)


<color> (Run Content Color)


<cs> (Use Complex Script Formatting on Run)


<dstrike> (Double Strikethrough)


<eastAsianLayout> (East Asian Typography Settings)


<effect> (Animated Text Effect)


<em> (Emphasis Mark)


<emboss> (Embossing)


<fitText> (Manual Run Width)


<highlight> (Text Highlighting)


<i> (Italics)


<iCs> (Complex Script Italics)


<imprint> (Imprinting)


<kern> (Font Kerning)


<lang> (Languages for Run Content)


<noProof> (Do Not Check Spelling or Grammar)


<oMath> (Office Open XML Math)


<outline> (Display Character Outline)


<position> (Vertically Raised or Lowered Text)


<rFonts> (Run Fonts)


<rPrChange> (Revision Information for Run Properties)


<rStyle> (Referenced Character Style)


<rtl> (Right To Left Text)


<shadow> (Shadow)


<shd> (Run Shading)


<smallCaps> (Small Caps)


<snapToGrid> (Use Document Grid Settings For Inter-Character Spacing)


<spacing> (Character Spacing Adjustment)


<specVanish> (Paragraph Mark Is Always Hidden)


<strike> (Single Strikethrough)


<sz> (Font Size)


<szCs> (Complex Script Font Size)


<u> (Underline)


<vanish> (Hidden Text)


<vertAlign> (Subscript/Superscript Text)


<w> (Expanded/Compressed Text)


<webHidden> (Web Hidden Text)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_RPr">
	<group ref="EG_RPrContent" minOccurs="0"/>