<r> (Run)

This element specifies a run of math text.

Parent Elements

<deg>; <del>; <den>; <e>; <fName>; <ins>; <lim>; <moveFrom>; <moveTo>; <num>; <oMath>; <sub>; <sup>

Child Elements


<annotationRef> (Comment Information Block)


<br> (Break)


<commentReference> (Comment Content Reference Mark)


<continuationSeparator> (Continuation Separator Mark)


<cr> (Carriage Return)


<dayLong> (Date Block - Long Day Format)


<dayShort> (Date Block - Short Day Format)


<delInstrText> (Deleted Field Code)


<delText> (Deleted Text)


<drawing> (DrawingML Object)


<endnoteRef> (Endnote Reference Mark)


<endnoteReference> (Endnote Reference)


<fldChar> (Complex Field Character)


<footnoteRef> (Footnote Reference Mark)


<footnoteReference> (Footnote Reference)


<instrText> (Field Code)


<lastRenderedPageBreak> (Position of Last Calculated Page Break)


<monthLong> (Date Block - Long Month Format)


<monthShort> (Date Block - Short Month Format)


<noBreakHyphen> (Non Breaking Hyphen Character)


<object> (Inline Embedded Object)


<pgNum> (Page Number Block)


<pict> (VML Object)


<ptab> (Absolute Position Tab Character)


<rPr> (Run Properties)


<rPr> (Run Properties)


<ruby> (Phonetic Guide)


<separator> (Footnote/Endnote Separator Mark)


<softHyphen> (Optional Hyphen Character)


<sym> (Symbol Character)


<t> (Text)


<t> (Text)


<tab> (Tab Character)


<yearLong> (Date Block - Long Year Format)


<yearShort> (Date Block - Short Year Format)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_R">
	<element name="rPr" type="CT_RPR" minOccurs="0"/>
	<group ref="w:EG_RPr" minOccurs="0"/>
	<choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
	<group ref="w:EG_RunInnerContent"/>
	<element name="t" type="CT_Text" minOccurs="0"/>