<scrgbClr> (RGB Color Model - Percentage Variant)

This element specifies a color using the red, green, blue RGB color model. Each component, red, green, and blue is expressed as a percentage from 0% to 100%. A linear gamma of 1.0 is assumed.

Specifies the level of red as expressed by a percentage offset increase or decrease relative to the input color.

  <a:scrgbClr r="50000" g="50000" b="50000"/>
  <a:srgbClr val="BCBCBC"/>

Parent Elements

<accent1>; <accent2>; <accent3>; <accent4>; <accent5>; <accent6>; <alphaInv>; <bgClr>; <bgRef>; <buClr>; <clrFrom>; <clrMru>; <clrRepl>; <clrTo>; <clrVal>4.6.27); <contourClr>; <custClr>; <dk1>; <dk2>; <duotone>; <effectClrLst>; <effectRef>; <extrusionClr>; <fgClr>; <fillClrLst>; <fillRef>; <folHlink>; <fontRef>; <from>4.6.44); <glow>; <gs>; <highlight>; <hlink>; <innerShdw>; <linClrLst>; <lnRef>; <lt1>; <lt2>; <outerShdw>; <penClr>; <prstShdw>; <solidFill>; <tcTxStyle>; <to>4.6.90); <txEffectClrLst>; <txFillClrLst>; <txLinClrLst>

Child Elements


<alpha> (Alpha)


<alphaMod> (Alpha Modulation)


<alphaOff> (Alpha Offset)


<blue> (Blue)


<blueMod> (Blue Modification)


<blueOff> (Blue Offset)


<comp> (Complement)


<gamma> (Gamma)


<gray> (Gray)


<green> (Green)


<greenMod> (Green Modification)


<greenOff> (Green Offset)


<hue> (Hue)


<hueMod> (Hue Modulate)


<hueOff> (Hue Offset)


<inv> (Inverse)


<invGamma> (Inverse Gamma)


<lum> (Luminance)


<lumMod> (Luminance Modulation)


<lumOff> (Luminance Offset)


<red> (Red)


<redMod> (Red Modulation)


<redOff> (Red Offset)


<sat> (Saturation)


<satMod> (Saturation Modulation)


<satOff> (Saturation Offset)


<shade> (Shade)


<tint> (Tint)




<b> (Blue)

Specifies the percentage of blue.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Percentage simple type (§

<g> (Green)

Specifies the percentage of green.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Percentage simple type (§

<r> (Red)

Specifies the percentage of red.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Percentage simple type (§

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_ScRgbColor">
	<group ref="EG_ColorTransform" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	<attribute name="r" type="ST_Percentage" use="required"/>
	<attribute name="g" type="ST_Percentage" use="required"/>
	<attribute name="b" type="ST_Percentage" use="required"/>