<spLocks> (Shape Locks)

This element specifies all locking properties for a shape. These properties inform the generating application about specific properties that have been previously locked and thus should not be changed.

Parent Elements

<cNvSpPr>; <cNvSpPr>; <cNvSpPr>; <cNvSpPr>

Child Elements


<extLst> (Extension List)




<noAdjustHandles> (Disallow Showing Adjust Handles)

Specifies that the generating application should not show adjust handles for the corresponding connection shape. If this attribute is not specified, then a value of <false> is assumed.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<noChangeArrowheads> (Disallow Arrowhead Changes)

Specifies that the generating application should not allow arrowhead changes for the corresponding connection shape. If this attribute is not specified, then a value of <false> is assumed.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<noChangeAspect> (Disallow Aspect Ratio Change)

Specifies that the generating application should not allow aspect ratio changes for the corresponding connection shape. If this attribute is not specified, then a value of <false> is assumed.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<noChangeShapeType> (Disallow Shape Type Change)

Specifies that the generating application should not allow shape type changes for the corresponding connection shape. If this attribute is not specified, then a value of <false> is assumed.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<noEditPoints> (Disallow Shape Point Editing)

Specifies that the generating application should not allow shape point changes for the corresponding connection shape. If this attribute is not specified, then a value of <false> is assumed.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<noGrp> (Disallow Shape Grouping)

Specifies that the generating application should not allow shape grouping for the corresponding connection shape. That is it cannot be combined within other shapes to form a group of shapes. If this attribute is not specified, then a value of <false> is assumed.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<noMove> (Disallow Shape Movement)

Specifies that the generating application should not allow position changes for the corresponding connection shape. If this attribute is not specified, then a value of <false> is assumed.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<noResize> (Disallow Shape Resize)

Specifies that the generating application should not allow size changes for the corresponding connection shape. If this attribute is not specified, then a value of <false> is assumed.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<noRot> (Disallow Shape Rotation)

Specifies that the generating application should not allow shape rotation changes for the corresponding connection shape. If this attribute is not specified, then a value of <false> is assumed.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<noSelect> (Disallow Shape Selection)

Specifies that the generating application should not allow selecting of the corresponding connection shape. That means also that no picture, shapes or text attached to this connection shape can be selected if this attribute has been specified. If this attribute is not specified, then a value of <false> is assumed.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<noTextEdit> (Disallow Shape Text Editing)

Specifies that the generating application should not allow editing of the shape text for the corresponding shape. If this attribute is not specified, then a value of <false> is assumed.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_ShapeLocking">
	<element name="extLst" type="CT_OfficeArtExtensionList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
	<attributeGroup ref="AG_Locking"/>
	<attribute name="noTextEdit" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>