Glossary of WordprocessingML-Specific Terms

The following terms are used in the context of a WordprocessingML document:

comment — A note that an author or reviewer attaches to a piece of text in a document. Although a consumer may chose to display comments, they are not considered part of the body of the document. A comment includes the text of the note, the comment author's name and initials, and date of creation, among other things.

document setting — A reusable element in a template.
Note: : Such elements include boilerplate text, cover pages, equations, footers, headers, tables, text boxes, and watermarks.

glossary document — An additional WordprocessingML document story used to store reusable fragments of rich WordprocessingML content. It is called the glossary document as this story contains one or more fragments that can be indexed and extracted by name, like items in a glossary.

master document — A document that is the parent of one or more subdocuments.
Note: : A master document can be used to manage a multipart document, such as a book having several chapters. In such as case, the master document might contain the cover page, front matter, table of contents, and cross-reference index, while each chapter and appendix resides in its own subdocument.
section — A portion of a document in which certain page formatting options can be set.
Note: : A new section is created to change such properties as line numbering, number of columns, or headers and footers.
subdocument — A piece of a master document.
Note: : A chapter or appendix might be a subdocument in a book.

supplementary document storage location — A part within a WordprocessingML document in which fragments of WordprocessingML content can be stored separate from the printed page. See also glossary document

template — A document that is a pattern for creating other documents. A template can contain text, formatting, and graphics, among other things, such that documents based on it automatically have access to these elements.