Connection XML

The workbook connection whose Id is 1 is expressed below.

<connection id="1" name="Connection" type="4" refreshedVersion="3"
  background="1" saveData="1">
  <webPr sourceData="1" parsePre="1" consecutive="1" xl2000="1"
    url="" htmlTables="1">
    <tables count="1">
      <x v="2"/>

Attributes and elements that have been previously discussed are not discussed here.

  • @type value of 4 indicates the connection is a web query connection.

  • @saveData value of 1 indicates that refreshed data will be kept in the sheet when saving the workbook. 0 indicates to remove the data from the workbook when saving the workbook.

  • @sourceData value of 1indicates to import and parse the XML data rather than consume the web page's HTML definition.

  • @parsePre value of 1 indicates that text in <PRE> tags is interpreted as tables.

  • @consecutive value of 1 means consecutive delimiters are treated as one delimiter

  • @url is the address indicating where to retrieve data for this query.

  • @htmlTables true means only import html tables

<tables> indicates which HTML table to import from the web page.

  • @v value of 2 indicates that the second table is the one to import.