Content-Related Properties

This set of properties is related to the actual content in the presentation.

End-users can define the starting slide number for numbered slides in each presentation. While it typically starts at one, the user can select any positive number to begin slide numbering. The primary user scenario is when compiling a mega-presentation that is a collection of multiple presentations. A secondary user scenario is when including a presentation in the middle of or at the end of a printed document where you want the slide/page numbers to continue.

Another content-related property controls whether or not header/footer placeholders are to be shown on title slides. In many cases users will use special shapes called header and footer placeholder that contain built-in field codes that control the display of various sorts of information like the date/time and slide number.

In most cases, users like to keep their title slides as simple as possible (much like in the printed world where you want your first page to be clean and streamlined) and hence do not want data like date/times and slide numbers to show up on such slides. This attribute defines this presentation-wide.

The final property relates to creating photo albums. The implementation has a feature that allows the user to generate automatically a presentation based on a set of pictures. During this process, the user can select from a variety of settings, including, but not limited to, what pictures to include, the layout of the pictures on the slides (e.g., one picture per slide, two pictures per slide, etc.), what type of frame shape to use, etc. All of this information is stored in the presentation for future photo album creation.