Differential Formatting Records

"Differential formatting" enables subsets of formatting to be specified, without overriding other elements of formatting. For example, if it is desired to express "add bold face to whatever formatting is already there", then a <dxf> definition can be used. <dxf> definitions are used to express additional (or "differential") formatting that will be applied via Table styles or PivotTable styles. <dxf> definitions are referenced by index (dxfId) from a <tableStyleElement>. The formatting elements used in a <dxf> definition are subsets of formatting collections described above.

A dxf record is referenced by zero-based index, meaning the numerical order in which the dxf appears under dxfs.

<dxfs count="1">
	<color theme="0"/>
	<patternFill patternType="solid">
	<fgColor theme="5"/>
	<bgColor theme="5"/>