<autoCaption> (Single Automatic Captioning Setting)

This element specifies what type(s) of objects shall automatically labeled with captions (§, and with which captions the specified objects shall be labeled as defined in the <caption> element (§


This type of automatic captioning is specified using the following WordprocessingML fragment:

  <w:caption w:name="Table" w:pos="below" w:chapNum="On" w:heading="2" w:numFmt="upperCase" w:sep="8212" />
    <w:autoCaption w:name="wfwTable" w:caption="Table" />

Here, the <autoCaption> element specifies through the @name attribute being set equal to wfwTable that tables will automatically be labeled with the caption specified in the <caption> element whose @name attribute is equal to Table, as the @caption element's @caption attribute has a value of Table. ]

Parent Elements




<caption> (Caption Used for Automatic Captioning)

Specifies the caption defined in using the <caption> element (§ which shall be used to automatically label a given type of object inserted in a WordprocessingML document. The caption settings are linked by matching the value of this attribute with the @name attribute of the corresponding <caption> element.

  <w:caption w:name="table" w:pos="below" w:chapNum="1" w:heading="0" w:noLabel="1" w:numFmt="upperRoman" />
    <w:autoCaption w:name="Paint.Picture"      w:caption="table" />

The <autoCaption> element specifies through the @name attribute being set equal to wfwTable that tables will automatically be labeled with the <caption> whose @name attribute is equal to Table (specified by the @caption element's attribute @name having a value of Table). ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_String simple type (§2.18.89).

<name> (Identifier of Object to be Automatically Captioned)

Specifies a unique identifier which may be used to associate objects inserted into the document which are to be automatically labeled with a caption when inserted into the WordprocessingML document.

  <w:autoCaption w:name="wfwTables" w:caption="custom" /> 

The @name attribute value of wfwTables specifies that WordprocessingML tables shall be labeled with the custom caption. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_String simple type (§2.18.89).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_AutoCaption">
	<attribute name="name" type="ST_String" use="required"/>
	<attribute name="caption" type="ST_String" use="required"/>