<gutterAtTop> (Position Gutter At Top of Page)

This element specifies that a given WordprocessingML document’s gutter shall be positioned at the top of the document’s pages when the document is displayed. A gutter is the white space formed by the inner margins of two pages facing one another; such as the white space between the text on pages of a book when the book is opened.

If this element is omitted, then the gutter shall not be positioned at the top of the page. If the <mirrorMargins >, <bookFoldPrinting>, <bookFoldRevPrinting>, or <printTwoOnOne> elements are used within a given document, the <gutterAtTop >element shall not be used. Rather, the gutter shall be positioned automatically as necessary to enable the printing and page layout capabilities of these settings.

<w:pgMar w:top="1440" ... w:header="720" ... w:gutter="1440" />

And the following WordprocessingML in the document settings:

<w:gutterAtTop w:val="true" />

The resulting document's pages would have the gutter positioned as follows:

The <gutterAtTop> element's @val attribute is equal to on, specifying that the gutter shall appear at the top of each page. ]

Parent Elements




<val> (On/Off Value)

Specifies a binary value for the property defined by the parent XML element.

A value of on, 1, or true specifies that the property shall be explicitly applied. This is the default value for this attribute, and is implied when the parent element is present, but this attribute is omitted.

A value of off, 0, or false specifies that the property shall be explicitly turned off.

<w:… w:val="off"/>

The @val attribute explicitly declares that the property is turned off. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_OnOff simple type (§2.18.67).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_OnOff">
	<attribute name="val" type="ST_OnOff"/>