<fieldMapData> (External Data Source to Merge Field Mapping)

This element specifies how a column specified in the external data source that has been connected to a WordprocessingML document shall be mapped to the pre-defined MERGEFIELD fields (§ within the given merged document's contents. Each instance of a <fieldMapData> element contains the information needed to map one column in the external data source to a single type of pre-defined MERGEFIELD field for the purposes of the mail merge in the current document.

    <w:type w:val="dbColumn" />
    <w:name w:val="Country" />
    <w:mappedName w:val="Country or Region" />
    <w:column w:val="9" /></w:fieldMapData>

The <fieldMapData> element specifies the mapping between the external data source and a single merge field as follows: the child elements specify that the tenth column in the data source, last titled Country in the specified external data source when the connection was last made is to be mapped to the predefined WordprocessingML merge field calling for Country or Region data.

With the <fieldMapData> element configured as such, an application may be used in conjunction with this WordprocessingML document to populate the document with data mapped from the specified external data source to fields within the merged document. ]

Parent Elements


Child Elements


<column> (Index of Column Being Mapped)


<dynamicAddress> (Use Country-Based Address Field Ordering)


<lid> (Merge Field Name Language ID)


<mappedName> (Predefined Merge Field Name)


<name> (Data Source Name for Column)


<type> (Merge Field Mapping)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_OdsoFieldMapData">
	<element name="type" type="CT_MailMergeOdsoFMDFieldType" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="name" type="CT_String" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="mappedName" type="CT_String" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="column" type="CT_DecimalNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="lid" type="CT_Lang" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="dynamicAddress" type="CT_OnOff" minOccurs="0"/>