<type> (ODSO Data Source Type)

This element specifies the type of external data source to be connected to via as part of the ODSO connection information for this mail merge. This setting is purely a suggestion of the data source type which is being used for this mail merge, and may be ignored in favor of an alternative mechanism if one is present.

<w:type w:val="database" />

The <type> element's @val attribute is equal to database, specifying that the given merged WordprocessingML document has been connected to an external data source via the ODSO settings, and that the resulting data source was a database. ]

Parent Elements




<val> (Data Source Type Value)

Specifies the type of an external data source used for a mail merge operation.

<w:type w:val="text" />

The @val attribute is equal to text, specifying that the given merged WordprocessingML document has been connected to an external data source via the ODSO settings, and that the resulting data source was a text file. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_MailMergeSourceType simple type (§2.18.63).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_MailMergeSourceType">
	<attribute name="val" use="required" type="ST_MailMergeSourceType"/>