<behavior> (Entry Insertion Behavior)

This element specifies a single behavior which shall be applied to the contents of the parent glossary document entry (§2.12.5) when it is added to the main document story of a WordprocessingML document. These behaviors shall be used to format the surrounding WordprocessingML around insertion, and do not require the presence of a user interface (i.e. applications without a user interface shall also utilize these settings).

      <w:behavior w:val="p"/>
        <w:t>Sample entry.</w:t>

The <behavior> element has a value of p, which specifies that the contents of the parent glossary document entry shall be inserted in their own paragraph when they are added to the contents of a document. If the document content to which they are added is defined as follows (and the part is added between the two text runs):

      <w:t>After this text</w:t>
      <w:t>Before this text</w:t>

This setting specifies that although the part would normally be inserted between the two existing runs in the paragraph, that behavior shall ensure that the part is inserted into its own paragraph, resulting in the following WordprocessingML:

      <w:t>After this text</w:t>
      <w:t>Sample entry.</w:t>
      <w:t>Before this text</w:t>

Parent Elements




<val> (Insertion Behavior Value)

Specifies the insertion behavior which shall be associated with the current glossary document entry.

    <w:behavior w:val="content"/>

The @val attribute value of content specifies that the insertion of this glossary document entry shall include only the content (the last paragraph in the part shall be merged into the current paragraph in the document). ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_DocPartBehavior simple type (§2.18.19).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_DocPartBehavior">
	<attribute name="val" use="required" type="ST_DocPartBehavior"/>