<name> (Entry Name)

This element specifies a name for the contents of this glossary document entry. This name may contain any string content, and allows the entry to have a friendly identifier contained within the definition for this glossary document entry.
Note: : This name may be surfaced in a user interface, for example.
<w:docPartPr><w:name w:val="Sample Entry" />
  <w:description w:val="This is an example of a glossary document entry for example purposes." /><w:docPartPr>

The <name> element specifies that the friendly name associated with the parent entry shall be Sample Entry. This value may be used as needed by an application, for example, to display in a user interface. ]

Parent Elements




<decorated> (Built-In Entry)

Specifies that the name for the current entry is a built-in entry which should not be displayed in the user interface. [: This information may be used by an application as needed, for example, to disambiguate an entry from one with the same name, ensuring that the built-in entry can be uniquely identified by the application. ]

If this attribute is omitted, its value shall be assumed to be false.

<w:name w:decorated="true" w:val=":-)" />

The <decorated> attribute specifies that the parent entry is a built-in entry, and shall be treated as such. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_OnOff simple type (§2.18.67).

<val> (Name Value)

Specifies a string value which contains the name of the current glossary document entry.

<w:name w:val="Sample Entry" />

The <val> attribute specifies that the name of the parent entry is Sample Entry. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_String simple type (§2.18.89).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_DocPartName">
	<attribute name="val" type="ST_String" use="required"/>
	<attribute name="decorated" type="ST_OnOff" use="optional"/>