<gallery> (Gallery Associated With Entry)

This element specifies the predefined gallery into which the current glossary document part shall be classified. This classification, although its enumeration values may be interpreted to imply semantics around the contents of the parent glossary document entry, shall only be used to classify and sort this entry (via an application or a user interface).

    <w:gallery w:val="coverPg" />
    <w:name w:val="Internal Memo Covers" />

The <gallery> element with a value of coverPg specifies that the gallery categorization applied to the current entry, for the purposes of classification or user interface sorting, puts this entry into the Cover Pages classification. ]

Parent Elements




<val> (Gallery Value)

Specifies the classification of gallery which shall be associated with the parent glossary document entry.

<w:gallery w:val="custom1" />

The <val> attribute with a value of custom1 specifies that the gallery categorization applied to the current entry is the Custom 1 classification. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_DocPartGallery simple type (§2.18.20).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_DocPartGallery">
	<attribute name="val" type="ST_DocPartGallery" use="required"/>