<description> (Description for Entry)

This element specifies a description for the contents of this glossary document entry. This description may contain any string content, and allows the entry to have additional information contained within the definition for this glossary document entry. [Note: This description may be surfaced in a user interface, for example. ]

<w:docPartPr><w:name w:val="Sample Entry" />
  <w:description w:val="This is an example of a glossary document entry for example purposes." /><w:docPartPr>

The <description> element specifies that the long description associated with the parent entry shall be This is an example of a glossary document entry for example purposes. This value may be used as needed by an application, for example, to display in a user interface. ]

Parent Elements




<val> (String Value)

Specifies that its contents will contain a string.

The contents of this string are interpreted based on the context of the parent XML element.

  <w:pStyle w:val="heading1" /> 

The value of the @val attribute is the ID of the associated paragraph style's styleId.

However, consider the following fragment:

  <w:alias w:val="SDT Title Example" />

In this case, the decimal number in the @val attribute is the caption of the parent structured document tag. In each case, the value is interpreted in the context of the parent element. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_String simple type (§2.18.89).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_String">
	<attribute name="val" type="ST_String" use="required"/>