Comment Authors Part

Content Type:


Root Namespace:

Source Relationship:

An instance of this part type contains information about each author who has added a comment to the document. That information includes the author's name, initials, a unique author-ID, a last-comment-index-used count, and a display color. (The color can be used when displaying comments to distinguish comments from different authors.)

A package shall contain at most one Comment Authors part. If it exists, that part shall be the target of an implicit relationship from the Presentation (§13.3.6) part.

<Relationships xmlns="…">
  <Relationship Id="rId8" 
    Type="http://…/commentAuthors" Target="commentAuthors.xml"/>

The root element for a part of this content type shall be< cmAuthorLs>t.

<p:cmAuthorLst xmlns:p="…" …>
  <p:cmAuthor id="0" name="Mary Smith" initials="mas" lastIdx="3"
  <p:cmAuthor id="1" name="Peter Jones" initials="pjj" lastIdx="1"

A Comment Authors part shall be located within the package containing the source relationship (expressed syntactically, the @TargetMode attribute of the <Relationship> element shall be Internal).

A Comment Authors part shall not have implicit or explicit relationships to any other part defined by this Standard.