Conformance Requirements
This annex summarizes all conformance requirements for producers and consumers implementing the Open Packaging Conventions. It is intended as a convenience; the text in the referenced clause or subclause is considered normative in all cases.
Conformance requirements are divided into tables based on their general topic below. The tables contain the requirements that producers and consumers shall follow, those that they should follow, and those that are optional. Each conformance requirement is given a unique ID comprised of a letter (M – MANDATORY; S – SHOULD; O – OPTIONAL), an identifier for the topic it relates to, and a unique ID within that topic. Mandatory requirements are those stated with the normative terms "shall," "shall not," or any of their normative equivalents. Should items are those stated with the normative terms "should," "should not," or any of their normative equivalents. Optional requirements are those stated with the normative terms "can," "cannot," "might," "might not," or any of their normative equivalents.
Producers and consumers might use these IDs to report error conditions.
The top-level topics and their identifiers are described as follows:
Package Model requirements
Physical Packages requirements
ZIP Physical Mapping requirements
Core Properties requirements
Thumbnail requirements
Digital Signatures requirements
Pack URI requirements
Additionally, these tables identify, as does the referenced text, who is burdened with enforcing or supporting the requirement: