Markup Compatibility Attributes and Elements

This specification defines attributes to express compatibility rules and elements to specify alternate content.

Table 1. 9–1. Whitespace characters in attribute values







line feed


carriage return


Whitespace characters that appear in values of attributes defined in this specification shall be normalized by markup consumers before processing as follows:

  1. Replace each tab, line feed, and carriage return with a space.

  2. Collapse contiguous sequences of spaces into a single space.

  3. Remove leading and trailing spaces.

Table 2. 9–2. Compatibility-rule attributes




A whitespace-delimited list of namespace prefixes that identify a set of namespaces whose elements and attributes should be silently ignored by markup consumers that do not understand the namespace of the element or attribute in question.


A whitespace-delimited list of element-qualified names identifying the expanded names of elements whose content shall be processed, even if the elements themselves are ignored. In any qualified name in the list, the wildcard character “*” can replace the local name to indicate that the content of all elements in the namespace shall be processed.


A whitespace-delimited list of element qualified names identifying the expanded names of elements that a markup producer suggests for preservation by markup editors, even if the elements themselves are ignored. In any qualified name in the list, the wildcard character “*” can replace the local name to indicate that all elements in the namespace should be preserved.


A whitespace-delimited list of attribute qualified names identifying the expanded names of attributes that a markup producer suggests for preservation by markup editors. In any qualified name in the list, the wildcard character “*” can replace the local name to indicate that all attributes in the namespace should be preserved.


A whitespace-delimited list of namespace prefixes identifying a set of namespace names. Markup consumers that do not understand these namespaces shall not continue to process the markup document and shall generate an error.

Table 3. 9–3. Alternate-content elements




Associates a set of possible markup alternatives that a markup consumer might choose based on that markup consumer’s understood namespaces. The markup consumer chooses the first alternative, in markup order, requiring only namespaces it understands.


This child of <AlternateContent c>ontains a single markup alternative and identifies the namespaces that the markup consumer needs to understand in order to choose and process that alternative. At least one <Choice> element is required.


This child of <AlternateContent s>pecifies the fallback markup alternative a markup consumer chooses if the markup consumer cannot choose any <Choice> alternative. An <AlternateContent> element shall hold no more than one <Fallback> element, which if present, shall follow all <Choice> elements.