Style Definitions Part

Content Type:


Root Namespace:

Source Relationship:

An instance of this part type contains the definition for a set of styles used by this document.

A package shall contain at most two Style Definitions parts. One instance of that part shall be the target of an implicit relationship from the Main Document (§11.3.10) part, and the other shall be the target of an implicit relationship in from the Glossary Document (§11.3.8) part.

<Relationships xmlns="…">
  <Relationship Id="rId3"
    Type="http://…/styles" Target="styles.xml"/>

The root element for a Styles Definition part shall be <styles>,< >which is a container for one or more <style> elements.

<w:styles xmlns:wx="…" xmlns:w="…"  xml:space="preserve">
  <w:style w:type="paragraph" w:styleId="ListBullet">
    <w:name w:val="List Bullet"/>
    <w:basedOn w:val="Text"/>
    <w:rsid w:val="00081289"/>
      <w:pStyle w:val="ListBullet"/>
        <w:numId w:val="1"/>
        <w:tab w:val="clear" w:pos="360"/>
      <w:ind w:left="648"/>

A Style Definitions part shall be located within the package containing the source relationship (expressed syntactically, the @TargetMode attribute of the <Relationship> element shall be Internal).

A Style Definitions part shall not have implicit or explicit relationships to any part defined by this Standard.