<vstream> (Binary Versioned Stream)

This element specifies a binary versioned stream variant type.

This type is defined as follows: A <stream> element's content with a GUID version (the @version attribute).

Parent Elements

<property>; <variant>



<version> (VSTREAM Version Attribute)

The version attribute of the <vstream> element specifies the version as a Globally Unique Identifiers with format: {HHHHHHHH-HHHH-HHHH-HHHH-HHHHHHHH}.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Clsid simple type (§

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_Vstream">
	<extension base="xsd:base64Binary">
	<attribute name="version" type="ST_Clsid"/>