<limUpp> (Upper-Limit Function)

This element specifies the Upper-Limit function, consisting of text on the baseline and reduced-size text immediately above it.
example: : Examples of <limUpp> include and .

The XML that specifies the <limUpp > is:


Parent Elements

<deg>; <del>; <den>; <e>; <fName>; <ins>; <lim>; <moveFrom>; <moveTo>; <num>; <oMath>; <sub>; <sup>

Child Elements


<e> (Base (Argument))


<lim> (Limit (Lower))


<limUppPr> (Upper Limit Properties)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_LimUpp">
	<element name="limUppPr" type="CT_LimUppPr" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="e" type="CT_OMathArg"/>
	<element name="lim" type="CT_OMathArg"/>