Worksheet Part

Content Type:


Root Namespace:

Source Relationship:

An instance of this part type contains all the data, formulas, and characteristics associated with a given worksheet.

A package shall contain exactly one Worksheet part per worksheet, and those parts shall be the target of an explicit relationship from the Workbook (§12.3.23) part. Specifically, the @id attribute on the <sheet> element shall reference the desired worksheet part.

<Relationships xmlns="…">
  <Relationship Id="rId1" 
    Type="http://…/worksheet" Target="worksheets/sheet1.xml"/>
  <Relationship Id="rId2" 
    Type="http://…/worksheet" Target="worksheets/sheet2.xml"/>
  <Relationship Id="rId3" 
    Type="http://…/worksheet" Target="worksheets/sheet3.xml"/>

The root element for a part of this content type shall be< worksheet>.

<worksheet xmlns="…" …>
  <dimension range="B1:F8"/><sheetData>
    <row r="1" spans="2:6" ht="360">
      <c r="B1" s="1" t="s">
    </row><row r="8" spans="2:6" ht="360">
      <c r="D8" s="5">
      <c r="E8" s="5">
      <c r="F8" s="6">

A Worksheet part shall be located within the package containing the source relationship (expressed syntactically, the @TargetMode attribute of the <Relationship> element shall be Internal).

A Worksheet part is permitted to contain implicit relationships to the following parts defined by this Standard:

A Worksheet part is permitted to contain explicit relationships to the following parts defined by this Standard:

A Worksheet part shall not have implicit or explicit relationships to any other part defined by this Standard.