
These attributes affect the layout and placement of shapes. Placement may be defined relative to other shapes or non-VML content that also exists in the container holding the shape.




Determines if a shape can overlap other shapes.


Specifies the coordinate unit origin of the rectangle that bounds a shape.


Specifies the horizontal and vertical units of the rectangle that bounds a shape.


Switches the orientation of a shape.


Determines the position of the shape relative to the element left of it in the document flow.


Specifies the bottom edge of the shape's containing rectangle relative to the shape anchor.


Specifies the left edge of the shape's containing rectangle relative to the shape anchor.


Specifies the right edge of the shape's containing rectangle relative to the shape anchor.


Specifies the top edge of the shape's containing rectangle relative to the shape anchor.


Specifies the horizontal positioning data for objects in WordprocessingML.


Specifies relative horizontal position data for objects in WordprocessingML.


Specifies the vertical position data for objects in WordprocessingML.


Specifies relative vertical position data for objects in WordprocessingML.


Defines the distance from the bottom side of the shape to the text that wraps around it.


Defines the distance from the left side of the shape to the text that wraps around it.


Defines the distance from the right side of the shape to the text that wraps around it.


Defines the distance from the shape top to the text that wraps around it.


Determines whether the wrap coordinates were customized by the user.


Defines the wrapping mode for text.


Defines the type of positioning used to place an element.


Defines a relative position for an object.


Defines the angle that a shape is rotated.


Defines the position of the shape relative to the element above it in the flow of the page.


Determines the display order of overlapping shapes.

* indicates a CSS2 style property