
This collection expresses mdx metadata, and builds up the mdx members, sets, KPIs, and member properties.

<valueMetadata> records reference these records.

<mdxMetadata count="26">
  <mdx n="0" f="m">
    <t c="1">
      <n x="1"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="m">
    <t c="1">
      <n x="2"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="m">
    <t c="1">
      <n x="3"/>"
  <mdx n="0" f="m">
    <t c="1">
      <n x="4"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="m">
    <t c="3">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="2"/>
      <n x="4"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="m">
    <t c="3">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="3"/>
      <n x="4"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="r">
    <t c="1">
      <n x="6"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="r">
    <t c="1">
      <n x="7"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="r">
    <t c="1">
      <n x="8"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="r">
    <t c="1">
      <n x="9"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="r">
    <t c="1">
      <n x="10"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="r">
    <t c="1">
      <n x="11"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="v">
    <t c="4" ct="en-US">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="2"/>
      <n x="4"/>
      <n x="6"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="v">
    <t c="4" ct="en-US">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="3"/>
      <n x="4"/>
      <n x="7"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="v">
    <t c="4" ct="en-US">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="2"/>
      <n x="4"/>
      <n x="7"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="v">
    <t c="4" ct="en-US">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="3"/>
      <n x="4"/>
      <n x="8"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="v">
    <t c="4" ct="en-US">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="2"/>
      <n x="4"/>
      <n x="8"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="v">
    <t c="4" ct="en-US">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="3"/>
      <n x="4"/>
      <n x="9"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="v">
    <t c="4" ct="en-US">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="2"/>
      <n x="4"/>
      <n x="9"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="v">
    <t c="4" ct="en-US">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="3"/>
      <n x="4"/>
      <n x="10"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="v">
    <t c="4" ct="en-US">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="2"/>
      <n x="4"/>
      <n x="10"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="v">
    <t c="4" ct="en-US">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="3"/>
      <n x="4"/>
      <n x="11"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="v">
    <t c="4" ct="en-US">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="2"/>
      <n x="4"/>
      <n x="11"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="v">
    <t c="4" ct="en-US">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="3"/>
      <n x="4"/>
      <n x="6"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="s">
    <ms ns="5" c="3" o="d">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="3"/>
      <n x="4"/>
  <mdx n="0" f="c">
    <ms ns="5" c="3" o="d">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="3"/>
      <n x="4"/>

Regarding <mdxMetadata>:

  • @count indicates the number of mdx statements in the collection.

Regarding <mdx>, which is a particular mdx statement:

  • @n indicates the index of the record in <metadataStrings> containing the connection name.

  • @f indicates the name of the calling cube function in the workbook.

Regarding <t>, which is an mdx tuple:

  • @c is the count of member expressions in the mdx tuple.

Regarding <n>:

  • @x is the index value into <metadataStrings> indicating the particular member expression for this dimension of the tuple expression.

For example, cell C5 has a CUBEMEMBER function call expressing the result of "Internet Sales Amount of All Products for CY 2003". In sheet1.xml, cell C5 has @vm="5", which means it has an associated <valueMetadata> record whose index is "5". Looking ahead into the <valueMetadata> records, the 5th (1-based) record points to the 4th (zero-based) <mdx> collection in <mdxMetadata>.

The 5th mdx collection:

  <mdx n="0" f="m">
    <t c="3">
      <n x="1"/>
      <n x="2"/>
      <n x="4"/>

Where <n x="1"/> corresponds to the 1st position in the string store, namely

<s v="[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]"/>

and where <n x="2"/> corresponds to the 2nd position in the string store, namely

<s v="[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&amp;[2003]"/>

and where <n x="4"/> corresponds to the 4th position in the string store, namely

<s v="[Product].[Product Categories].[All Products]"/>.

Therefore this data point in the cube is addressed by intersecting these three hierarchies, one in each dimension of the OLAP cube:

  • [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]

  • [Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].[2003]

  • [Product].[Product Categories].[All Products]

Regarding <ms>:

  • ns is the index of the mdx set definition in the string store.

  • c is the number of sort-by member indicies, in this case 3 because the set is sorted by the contents of D5, which happens to be a member defined by 3 coordinates in the cube.

  • o indicates the order of the sort; in this case, 'descending'.

  • n is the index indicating the mdx expressions in the string store used to identify the members used to define the sort-by set.