Name Representation

A formula can contain one or more names. These names shall be defined in the Worksheet part's XML with each being the subject of a <definedName> element, inside a <definedNames> element.
example: : Consider the scalar formula SUM(value1,value2). The corresponding XML might be as follows:
  <definedName name="value1" localSheetId="0">Sheet2!$B$2</definedName>
  <definedName name="value2" localSheetId="0">Sheet2!$B$3</definedName>
</definedNames><c r="E5" s="0">
  <f ce="1">SUM(value1,value2)</f>

Each name shall be the subject of an <lpstr> element in the Application-Defined File Properties part.

  <vt:vector  baseType="lpstr">