<ST_EditAs> (Resizing Behaviors)

This simple type specifies all possible settings for how DrawingML contents shall be resized when the rows and columns between its start and ending anchor (the <from> and <to> child elements) are resized, or have additional rows/columns inserted within them.

<ws:twoCellAnchor editAs="absolute">

The @editAs attribute has a value of absolute, which specifies that the sizing of this object shall not change, instead the anchor locations should be moved as needed to maintain the same size. ]

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


<absolute> (Do Not Move or Resize With Underlying Rows/Columns)

Specifies that the current start and end positions shall be maintained with respect to the distances from the absolute start point of the worksheet.

If additional rows/columns are added before the drawing, the drawing shall move its anchors as needed to maintain this same absolute position.

<oneCell> (Move With Cells but Do Not Resize)

Specifies that the current drawing shall move with its row and column (i.e. the object is anchored to the actual <from> row and column), but that the size shall remain absolute.

If additional rows/columns are added between the <from> and <to> locations of the drawing, the drawing shall move its <to> anchors as needed to maintain this same absolute size.

<twoCell> (Move and Resize With Anchor Cells)

Specifies that the current drawing shall move and resize to maintain its row and column anchors (i.e. the object is anchored to the actual <from> and <to> row and column).

Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_EditAs">
	<restriction base="xsd:token">
	<enumeration value="twoCell"/>
	<enumeration value="oneCell"/>
	<enumeration value="absolute"/>