<ST_SmartTagShow> (Smart Tag Display Types)

This simple type defines options for displaying smart tags in the user interface.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema string datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


<all> (All)

Indicates that smart tags are enabled and shown in the user interface.

<noIndicator> (No Smart Tag Indicator)

Indicates that the smart tags are enabled but the indicator not be shown in the user interface.

<none> (None)

Indicates that smart tags are disabled and not displayed in the user interface.

Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_SmartTagShow">
	<restriction base="xsd:string">
	<enumeration value="all"/>
	<enumeration value="none"/>
	<enumeration value="noIndicator"/>