<anchor> (Anchor for Floating DrawingML Object)

This element specifies that the DrawingML object located at this position in the document is a floating object. Within a WordprocessingML document, drawing objects can exist in two states:

  • Inline - The drawing object is in line with the text, and affects the line height and layout of its line (like a character glyph of similar size).

  • Floating - The drawing object is anchored within the text, but may be absolutely positioned in the document relative to the page.

When this element encapsulates the DrawingML object's information, then all child elements shall dictate the positioning of this object as a floating object on the page.

      <wp:anchor  ></wp:anchor>

The <anchor> element, when present as the child element of the <drawing> element, specifies that this DrawingML object shall be positioned as a floating object based on the values of its child elements. ]

Parent Elements


Child Elements


<cNvGraphicFramePr> (Common DrawingML Non-Visual Properties)


<docPr> (Drawing Object Non-Visual Properties)


<effectExtent> (Object Extents Including Effects)


<extent> (Drawing Object Size)


<graphic> (Graphic Object)


<positionH> (Horizontal Positioning)


<positionV> (Vertical Positioning)


<simplePos> (Simple Positioning Coordinates)


<wrapNone> (No Text Wrapping)


<wrapSquare> (Square Wrapping)


<wrapThrough> (Through Wrapping)


<wrapTight> (Tight Wrapping)


<wrapTopAndBottom> (Top and Bottom Wrapping)




<allowOverlap> (Allow Objects to Overlap)

Specifies whether a DrawingML object which intersects another DrawingML object at display time shall be allowed to overlap the contents of the other DrawingML object. If a DrawingML object cannot overlap other DrawingML object, it shall be repositioned when displayed to prevent this overlap as needed.

If this element is omitted on a given DrawingML object, then overlap shall not be allowed between a DrawingML object which intersects another DrawingML object displayed at the same location.

<wp:anchor allowOverlap="true"  ></wp:anchor>

The @allowOverlap attribute has a value of true, which specifies that this object shall be allowed to overlap other objects when it is displayed on the document. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<behindDoc> (Display Behind Document Text)

Specifies whether this floating DrawingML object shall be displayed behind the text of the document when the document is displayed. When a DrawingML object is displayed within a WordprocessingML document, that object may intersect with text in the document. This attribute shall determine whether the text or the object shall be rendered on top in case of overlapping.

If this attribute is omitted, then the parent DrawingML object shall be displayed in front of the text content of the document in cases of overlapping.

<wp:anchor behindDoc="false"  ></wp:anchor>

The @behindDoc attribute has a value of false, which specifies that the DrawingML object is displayed above the text of the document in z-order. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<distB> (Distance From Text on Bottom Edge)

Specifies the minimum distance which shall be maintained between the bottom edge of this drawing object and any subsequent text within the document when this graphical object is displayed within the document's contents.

The distance shall be measured in EMUs (English Metric Units).

If this object is an inline object (i.e. has a parent element of <inline>), then this value shall not have any effect when displaying the object in line with text, but may be maintained and used if the object is subsequently changed to floating. If the wrapping element [: <wrapThrough> or <wrapSquare> ] present as a child element also has a distance from text, then this value shall be ignored.

<wp:anchor distB="457200"  ></wp:anchor>

The @distB attribute specifies that the padding distance shall be 457200 EMUs or one-half of an inch. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_WrapDistance simple type (§

<distL> (Distance From Text on Left Edge)

Specifies the minimum distance which shall be maintained between the left edge of this drawing object and any subsequent text within the document when this graphical object is displayed within the document's contents.

The distance shall be measured in EMUs (English Metric Units).

If this object is an inline object (i.e. has a parent element of <inline>), then this value shall not have any effect when displaying the object in line with text, but may be maintained and used if the object is subsequently changed to floating. If the wrapping element [: <wrapThrough> or <wrapSquare> ] present as a child element also has a distance from text, then this value shall be ignored.

<wp:anchor distL="228600"  ></wp:anchor>

The @distL attribute specifies that the padding distance shall be 228600 EMUs or one-quarter of an inch. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_WrapDistance simple type (§

<distR> (Distance From Text on Right Edge)

Specifies the minimum distance which shall be maintained between the right edge of this drawing object and any subsequent text within the document when this graphical object is displayed within the document's contents.

The distance shall be measured in EMUs (English Metric Units).

If this object is an inline object (i.e. has a parent element of <inline>), then this value shall not have any effect when displaying the object in line with text, but may be maintained and used if the object is subsequently changed to floating. If the wrapping element [: <wrapThrough> or <wrapSquare> ] present as a child element also has a distance from text, then this value shall be ignored.

<wp:anchor distR="228600"  ></wp:anchor>

The @distR attribute specifies that the padding distance shall be 228600 EMUs or one-quarter of an inch. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_WrapDistance simple type (§

<distT> (Distance From Text on Top Edge)

Specifies the minimum distance which shall be maintained between the top edge of this drawing object and any subsequent text within the document when this graphical object is displayed within the document's contents.

The distance shall be measured in EMUs (English Metric Units).

If this object is an inline object (i.e. has a parent element of <inline>), then this value shall not have any effect when displaying the object in line with text, but may be maintained and used if the object is subsequently changed to floating. If the wrapping element [: <wrapThrough> or <wrapSquare> ] present as a child element also has a distance from text, then this value shall be ignored.

<wp:anchor distT="457200"  ></wp:anchor>

The @distT attribute specifies that the padding distance shall be 457200 EMUs or one-half of an inch. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_WrapDistance simple type (§

<hidden> (Hidden)

Specifies whether this floating DrawingML object shall be displayed. When a DrawingML object is displayed within a WordprocessingML document, that object may be hidden (i.e. present, but not visible). This attribute shall determine whether the object shall be rendered or made hidden. [: An application may have settings which allow this object to be viewed. ]

If this attribute is omitted, then the parent DrawingML object shall be displayed (i.e. not hidden).

<wp:anchor hidden="true"  ></wp:anchor>

The @hidden attribute has a value of true, which specifies that the DrawingML object is hidden and not displayed when the document is displayed. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<layoutInCell> (Layout In Table Cell)

Specifies how this DrawingML object shall behave when its anchor is located in a table cell; and its specified position would cause it to intersect with a table cell displayed in the document. That behavior shall be as follows:

  • When this attribute has a value of true, then the object shall be positioned within the existing table cell, causing the cell to be resized as needed. This means that all positioning shall be relative to the cell and not the line on which the table appears.

  • When this attribute has a value of false, then the object shall be positioned as specified, but the table shall be resized and/or relocated within the document as needed to accommodate the object. This means that all positioning shall be relative to the line on which the table appears and not the cell in which the anchor is present.

If this attribute is omitted, then its default value shall be considered to be false.

<wp:anchor layoutInCell="true"  ></wp:anchor>

The @layoutInCell attribute has a value of true, which specifies that the object can be placed within the cell if needed, for example:

If the @layoutInCell attribute was now set to false, the object shall be laid out outside of the cell, causing the table to be repositioned:

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<locked> (Lock Anchor)

Specifies that the anchor location for this object shall not be modified at runtime when an application edits the contents of this document. [: An application might have automatic behaviors which reposition the anchor for a DrawingML object based on user interaction - for example, moving it from one page to another as needed. This element shall tell applications not to perform any such behaviors. ]

If this attribute is omitted, then the anchor shall not be locked for the parent DrawingML object (i.e. a default value of false).

<wp:anchor locked="true"  ></wp:anchor>

The @locked attribute has a value of true, which specifies that the DrawingML object's current anchor location shall not be changed by applications editing this content. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

<relativeHeight> (Relative Z-Ordering Position)

Specifies the relative Z-ordering of all DrawingML objects in this document. Each floating DrawingML object shall have a Z-ordering value, which determines which object is displayed when any two objects intersect. Higher values shall indicate higher Z-order; lower values shall indicate lower Z-order.

This attribute shall only indicate the Z-order with respect to other objects in the document which have an identical @behindDoc attribute value. All objects with a @behindDoc value of false shall be displayed above elements with a value of true.

<wp:anchor relativeHeight="5"  ></wp:anchor><wp:anchor relativeHeight="8"  ></wp:anchor>

The @relativeHeight attribute of the second object is 8, which specifies that the second DrawingML object shall be at a higher Z-order than the first and shall be displayed whenever the two overlap. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.

<simplePos> (Page Positioning)

Specifies that this object shall be positioned using the positioning information in the <simplePos> child element (§ This positioning, when specified, will position the object on the page by placing its top left point at the x-y coordinates specified by that element.

If this element is omitted, then this object shall not use the simple positioning information in the <simplePos> element, even when present.

<wp:anchor simplePos="true"  >
  <wp:simplePos x="0" y="0" /></wp:anchor>

The @simplePos attribute has a value of true, which specifies that the DrawingML object's current position shall be dictated by the <simplePos> element, and hence placed at 0,0. ]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_Anchor">
	<element name="simplePos" type="a:CT_Point2D"/>
	<element name="positionH" type="CT_PosH"/>
	<element name="positionV" type="CT_PosV"/>
	<element name="extent" type="a:CT_PositiveSize2D"/>
	<element name="effectExtent" type="CT_EffectExtent" minOccurs="0"/>
	<group ref="EG_WrapType"/>
	<element name="docPr" type="a:CT_NonVisualDrawingProps" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
	<element name="cNvGraphicFramePr" type="a:CT_NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
	<element ref="a:graphic" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
	<attribute name="distT" type="ST_WrapDistance" use="optional"/>
	<attribute name="distB" type="ST_WrapDistance" use="optional"/>
	<attribute name="distL" type="ST_WrapDistance" use="optional"/>
	<attribute name="distR" type="ST_WrapDistance" use="optional"/>
	<attribute name="simplePos" type="xsd:boolean"/>
	<attribute name="relativeHeight" type="xsd:unsignedInt" use="required"/>
	<attribute name="behindDoc" type="xsd:boolean" use="required"/>
	<attribute name="locked" type="xsd:boolean" use="required"/>
	<attribute name="layoutInCell" type="xsd:boolean" use="required"/>
	<attribute name="hidden" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional"/>
	<attribute name="allowOverlap" type="xsd:boolean" use="required"/>