<groupItems> (OLAP Group Items)

Represents the collection of items in a field group.

<fieldGroup par="6" base="0">
    <rangePr groupBy="months" startDate="2002-01-01T00:00:00"
    <groupItems count="14">
      <s v="&lt;1/1/2002"/>
      <s v="Jan"/>
      <s v="Feb"/>
      <s v="Mar"/>
      <s v="Apr"/>
      <s v="May"/>
      <s v="Jun"/>
      <s v="Jul"/>
      <s v="Aug"/>
      <s v="Sep"/>
      <s v="Oct"/>
      <s v="Nov"/>
      <s v="Dec"/>
      <s v="&gt;5/6/2006"/>
<cacheField name="Name" numFmtId="0">
  <sharedItems count="4">
    <s v="Joe"/>
    <s v="John"/>
    <s v="Bob"/>
    <s v="Robert"/>
  <fieldGroup par="4"/>
<cacheField name="ProductID" numFmtId="0">
  <sharedItems containsSemiMixedTypes="0" containsString="0" containsNumber="1" 
    containsInteger="1" minValue="1" maxValue="4" count="4">
    <n v="1"/>
    <n v="2"/>
    <n v="3"/>
    <n v="4"/>
  <fieldGroup base="2">
    <rangePr startNum="1" endNum="4" groupInterval="2"/>
    <groupItems count="4">
      <s v="&lt;1"/>
      <s v="1-2"/>
      <s v="3-4"/>
      <s v="&gt;5"/>

Parent Elements


Child Elements


<b> (Boolean)


<d> (Date Time)


<e> (Error Value)


<m> (No Value)


<n> (Numeric)


<s> (Character Value)




<count> (Items Created Count)

Specifies the number of items created for this grouped field.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_GroupItems">
	<choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
	<element name="m" type="CT_Missing"/>
	<element name="n" type="CT_Number"/>
	<element name="b" type="CT_Boolean"/>
	<element name="e" type="CT_Error"/>
	<element name="s" type="CT_String"/>
	<element name="d" type="CT_DateTime"/>
	<attribute name="count" type="xsd:unsignedInt"/>