<moveTo> (Move Path To)

This element specifies a set of new coordinates to move the shape cursor to. This element is only used for drawing a custom geometry. When this element is utilized the pt element is used to specify a new set of shape coordinates that the shape cursor should be moved to. This will not draw a line or curve to this new position from the old position but simply move the cursor to a new starting position. It is only when a path drawing element such as <lnTo> is used that a portion of the path will be drawn.

    <a:path w="2824222" h="590309">
        <a:pt x="0" y="428263"/>
        <a:pt x="1620455" y="590309"/>
        <a:pt x="2824222" y="173620"/>
        <a:pt x="1562582" y="0"/>

Notice the <moveTo> element advances the y coordinates before any actual lines are drawn. ]

Parent Elements


Child Elements


<pt> (Shape Path Point)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_Path2DMoveTo">
	<element name="pt" type="CT_AdjPoint2D" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>