<selection> (Selection)

Worksheet view selection.

Parent Elements

<customSheetView>; <sheetView>



<activeCell> (Active Cell Location)

Location of the active cell.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_CellRef simple type (§3.18.8).

<activeCellId> (Active Cell Index)

0-based index of the range reference (in the array of references listed in @sqref) containing the active cell. Only used when the selection in @sqref is not contiguous. Therefore, this value needs to be aware of the order in which the range references are written in @sqref.

When this value is out of range then activeCell can be used.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.

<pane> (Pane)

The pane to which this selection belongs.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Pane simple type (§3.18.54).

<sqref> (Sequence of References)

Range of the selection. Can be non-contiguous set of ranges.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Sqref simple type (§3.18.78).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_Selection">
	<attribute name="pane" type="ST_Pane" use="optional" default="topLeft"/>
	<attribute name="activeCell" type="ST_CellRef" use="optional"/>
	<attribute name="activeCellId" type="xsd:unsignedInt" use="optional" default="0"/>
	<attribute name="sqref" type="ST_Sqref" use="optional" default="A1"/>